

How We Serve

Sexual Abuse Prevention Training “Darkness to Light’s – Stewards of Children”

70% of domestic minor sex trafficked victims have experienced physical or sexual abuse. This trauma becomes the vulnerability that traffickers will prey on. One out of 10 children will be sexually abused by the time they reach adulthood. Rescue Upstream is available to train groups on sexual abuse prevention. This two hour session also qualifies for continuing education credits for those in healthcare.

Training is available in person or virtually in both English and Spanish.

To request a training email: info@rescueupstream.org


Rescue Upstream runs outreach to those currently in the life of prostitution. We believe that Christ is the Great Redeemer and He calls us to reach out in love to those who are living an exploited life. We also work in collaboration with others doing street outreach to businesses and community organizations providing resource information that targets victim assistance.

Volunteer for Outreach- info@rescueupstream.org

Sharing One Love PBC above

Volunteer Provider Network Coordination

Working alongside a consortium of  case management partners, Rescue Upstream coordinates the volunteer sign up process for Palm Beach County community providers to serve survivors of abuse and exploitation. The sign up process consists of a three step process


Step 1 Complete a memorandum of understanding outlining the services you will offer.

Step 2 Pay $19 for a background check.

Step 3 Complete 30 minute online human trafficking training. If you have completed license required human trafficking education, you are not required to complete.


Interested in learning more? Message us at info@rescueupstream.org


Community Resources For Youth Education – “Now I Know”

Our youth are at risk. Although statistics vary, some data shows that the average age of a child trafficked into the commercial sex trade is 13 years old. The internet is a primary focus for traffickers. If you are interested in educating your youth group on what to look out for and how to spot the tactics of a trafficker, please request a training from the Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches.

Request A Presentation